Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week Forty-One: Curfews

Hello my dear loved ones,

I don't know how much you all are thinking about me. But rest assured, I am well.

So let me tell you how the last week was.

We had our MLC meeting, as I mentioned last week. It went fairly well. Afterwards though we had a Curfew announced for all of the missionaries in Zimbabwe. Essentially be home shortly after dark. I won't go into much detail at this time, you all can probably find out more information than I myself have. But don't worry, the Lord is on our side.

We are even fairly certain the curfew will end this week. Nothing to worry about.

But also, let me tell you about my zone. My zone is awesome. They are doing really great. I'll compare them to the story of Gideon and the 300 soldiers.

Though we only have 10 missionaries in our zone, we had 11 baptisms on the first Saturday of the month. While talking to some of the other missionaries, we are considering increasing our monthly goal of 16 to a higher number. Because we may easily surpass 20. The Lord certainly is on our side. We could not do such a great work for Him without His loving hand.

I've seen so many people's live change from this Gospel. It really and truly does bring people closer to their Father in Heaven.

I know that prayers are answered, and the Lord guides and protects his servants.

Have a wonderful week you all,

-Elder Wilcken

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